A piece by Veronica Limeberry (IG: @veronicabythesun)
Is there a place to donate towards building the new seed shed?
For now, please send donations to Veronica by venmo at @V-Limeberry. We are working together on another outlet that we hope to announce soon 💚💔💚
A GoFundMe has been set up to help AIMS and the Southern Seed Legacy re-build and re-equip to get the seeds and knowledge preserved.
yes! Thank you for circling back around to include this link here!
Is there a place to donate towards building the new seed shed?
For now, please send donations to Veronica by venmo at @V-Limeberry. We are working together on another outlet that we hope to announce soon 💚💔💚
A GoFundMe has been set up to help AIMS and the Southern Seed Legacy re-build and re-equip to get the seeds and knowledge preserved.
yes! Thank you for circling back around to include this link here!